Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tick tock..tick tock..

Ooooo she's gonna love this! Er, I hope so anyway!

Today is my mother's birthday. A couple of months ago when we were talking about her coming out to visit, she mentioned it would probably be January 14th. Her birthday. Her 60th birthday. No pressure there. Not that she expected anything, I'm sure..but how can you NOT do something for your mom, ya know?? So I asked her what kind of cake she wanted. Angel food. Frosting..whipped cream..? Whipped cream. Anything inside..? Fruit. Thanks for the help..haha.

So here's what I came up with:

Angel food cake..raspberry filling..HOMEMADE whipped cream (my first time)..fresh raspberries all around and because it's MOM..(and I know she's diabetic..) I pulled out my zester and took like 5 chocolate chips (it was a last minute decision) and grated them ever so finely over the top. A sprinkle of chocolate love.

I think it's gorgeous.

Wait until you see what I'm going to make her wear. TEEHEE!!

Their plane lands in a little less than an hour (we live down the street from the airport)..and I need to scurry upstairs and make their bed. It's been a long tiring day and the festivities haven't even started!


Jenna said...

It IS gorgeous! And the chocolate touch was a perfect decision. You're so lucky! Have fun seeing whales! (one of them is NOT me!)

Hannah said...

Yumm yum Abby!

You guys are gonna have so much fun! Have I mentioned how jealous I am? Hahaha!

Sarah said...

Wow! That cake looks/sounds so mouth wateringly delicious! Can't wait to see pics of all the fun times!!

Jenna said...

So? Did you see whales?