Hey, here's a side note for all of you shoppers out there: If you see someone..ANYONE with a stroller..or a DOUBLE stroller (which is like driving a friggin limo around) TRY YOUR VERY BEST NOT TO JUMP OUT IN FRONT OF THEM. Thanks. It's my number one complaint every time we go anywhere. I can't STAND the sudden stops I have to make because people are careless. It takes effort to stop a long stroller! I do have to say though..Disney World was the absolute worst when it came to that because literally..people jumped in front of the stroller like I wouldn't run them over. My arms got a super super work out those few days we were there because people are RUDE! The last day we were there, I was running people over when they jumped out in front because dude, I'm on wheels here. You chose to do what you did..and I'm not stopping. Hmm hmm hmm.
We shopped more than I'd wanted because I was searching for a bluetooth for Orion's birthday present and couldn't find any but then was directed to go back to the other end of the store and I was crying a little on the inside because ow. By the time we got back to the van, my foot was swollen and ugly. I mean..I have ugly man type feet anyway (they're pretty much the "female" version of my dad's so it's like gee, thanks.) but this added bit of ugly just made everything that much better. After we got home, we packed and wrapped the foot and I hobbled for the rest of the night.
You can imagine how thrilled I must have been to wake up to it looking like this:
Yeah, that's what I get for drinking water from a re-usable bottle. How dare I try to save the planet! I'm still hobbling and if it gets any worse, I get to go to the hospital. Oh goody goody gumdrops!
I can NOT break (har.) my almost 26 year streak of no broken bones!
That looks like a mighty nice bruise. Right on the top. I've had that before. It's not nice, but I don't think it's broken. At least I hope not. Just stay off of it and keep it iced.
No fun! I've bruised my foot there before too. Totally sucks! Hope it feels better for you soon!
Good grief! Looks painful!
You know, of course, that my only broken bone was the foot bone I broke while carrying you downstairs when you were a baby, right? I'm not saying karma or anything ... just coincidence! And I think it's just a bad bruise.
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