Orion and I have been working out at night after the kids go to bed for a little while now. He has a tummy he needs to get rid of..I have flaps of lard I need to destroy. For the first time in my life I'm really looking at myself. I'm trying to become a better me. I've been being honest and open with how I feel about certain issues and ya know, it feels really good. I feel like I'm finally GETTING somewhere in my life.
Look, I keep writing stuff and deleting it.
Fact is, I'm exercising with my husband. I love it..he loves it. We feel closer. We have goals. I want bikes for the fam (well, bikes for me and O..a trailer for the kids) because I'd really like to start going on family bike rides in the evenings. We bought a Wii for us for Christmas (It's going to be a Wii Christmas for the 2 of us..games and accessories and what not) and next up to buy is a Wii fit because not only does it look like so much fun..but we actually know people who've lost weight just using the Wii fit. I'm not into video games normally. But it's not like a normal video game system. It takes interaction and I like that. It's something fun to do and I don't feel all kinds of guilty owning one because it's not like you're just sitting around pressing buttons. I just wish we didn't have to wait 2 months to open it!
For too long we've been the couple who sit at home and watch movies and then occasionally take the kids out somewhere cool. I can't stand being that person anymore. I don't want to waste my life away anymore! I want to look back and be proud of the life I've lead.
I think Michael Jackson said it best when he said "I'm starting with the man in the mirror"..only, I'm not a man.
Good for you Abby. I'm working out too. I also do it at night when the kids go to bed. I use what time I would be just sitting and watching to tv to get on the treadmill and watch tv. I've been doing a minimum of 30 minutes 6 days a week. It's been 3 weeks now and I've lost 7 pounds! It's amazing what being active can do!
I'm proud of you, Abby. I've been exercising almost daily too, with my Kathy Smith tapes and walking. I so wish I could get my husband on board with me so we could do active things together, but he wants nothing to do with movement. He keeps coming up with invention ideas so that he can do less and less in life. Argh.
I think it's great Orion is working out with you. I wish I could get Brian to work out with me. I need the encouragement from someone else to keep me motivated. I hope the Wii Fit works out for you! Keep us all posted on your progress!
PS - your live feed now says I'm from Marina. It was Salinas yesterday. Weiiiird.
Good for both of you!
Way to go! Getting the motivation to get started is the hardest part. Well, that and then continuing once you've done it for a few days. My problem is I start getting bored of it after a week or so. I'm totally lame!
Ryan and I bought bikes also, but in WA we can't ride them right now :( We also are getting each other the Wii and Wii Fit for Christmas! Dude it has a hula hoop competition and I'm all about it!
I'm proud of you for taking such a positive approach to weight loss. There have been a few times recently that I started to tell but got all shy about it. I had Gastric Bypass in March...I know we have talked about it, but I took REALLY good pictures before! I've lost 96lbs and while I'm so happy that I did it, I wish I would have tried on my own first. Good for you!
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