Guess who's totally potty trained now?! Yay, Calix!! I don't even need to remind him to go sit on the potty! Accident free for a week! Woohoo!!!
he called this one his "puppy" teehee..cutie
And I call these why I love being a mom and also..I'm thankful that I spent my teenage years taking so many self portraits because it just prepared me for taking cute when no one else is around to take Without all of that practice, I wouldn't be able to get shots like these today:

And these little ones are also why I battle for still losing..but someday. Someday I will WIN! Oh, how I ache for a small one to be swimming around in my belly. :( BUT, roughly 40 more pounds (as per our agreement) and approval from my doctor til that can happen. It will happen. Oh yes it will. :)
Those are the cutest pictures ever!!! And look how hot you are!!
Forty pounds! Then you'd be cutting into the beauty. Will he settle for five? Forty! That's like a third of you. And how much does he have to lose? I saw him trying to climb that tree, and now I'm worried about our national security. Anyway, I love you, and the kids are gorgeous.
Abby, you are seriously the BEST EVER at self-portraits. It's really unbelievable. So, so cute. I hope you frame one.
And yay for Calix! I guess he was just ready! How sweet it is!
#3 will happen, don't worry. And you'll be all the more ready for it.
That's sweet, dad..but 40 pounds will put me at about 10 pounds over what I was when I met Orion. I looked dang good in those days and kind of really miss it. I need to lose it not just for babies but for my health. Some people can handle extra weight..I can't. It's causing too many problems. I'm taking it 10 pounds at a time doesn't feel so scary that way. Shoot, I remember when I was talking about needing to lose 60 pounds! 40 sounds like nothing compared to that!
Orion's got 5 pounds to lose. Seriously. I WISH it was only a stupid 5 pounds for me! And he's embarrassed that I put those pictures up, btw.
We're getting a new scale (one that WORKS!) in a couple of days here and then I'll know how much I need to lose but I won't be telling.
Go for it, you're being smart! Too many health risks!
I love the pictures that you take! I wish I could take good self portraits but I suck at it. What kind of camera do you have?
Good luck on the baby stuff, I'm anxious to have one too.
Cara, I use a Nikon D60 and I'm nowhere near good at using it yet..still learning..still learning!
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