Orion sat at the computer doing his schoolwork while I took everything off the tree and then got started. What with the tree being white and then the green garland..hahaha..it totally looked like a Who tree at first! I LOVED IT and was tempted to leave it just like that because hahaha..my tree looks striped! But I carried on and when it was done..I felt better. It looked more like an Abby tree..it now feels right in my house. You know your tree is right when you keep stealing glances at it with twinkly eyes and a smile on your face.
Why is it that they just *never* look the same in pictures as they do in person? Say..it IS an Abby tree because I also never look the same in person! Sad realization womp womp wommmpppp.
And also..that's right..that's right..SECTIONS because I demand you love my tree with me.
Train..and Orion's mom made that there tree skirt for us. It's made of faux fur (which really bothered me at first, I'm not going to lie. I wasn't too thrilled with having something that's supposed to feel like dead animal fur under my tree.) and because Maddox loves everything fuzzy, you can find him cuddling his face to it often.
And finally..it wouldn't be a real tree for me if this little lady weren't perched somewhere on it:
She's pretty old, that one. She has no string and I don't want to hurt her with one so she perches instead. She was always always my very favorite ornament as a kid and after I moved out and started getting my own trees, mom saw how much I loved her and gave her to me.
Orion's doing the tree lighting ceremony up at Fort Shafter on the 10th so I'm going to try to take the kids to that because if nothing else..it's a blog post. I said it..I said it.
Hey, wait...is that the sugarplum fairy ornament? She was MINE! (or at least she was my favorite and I always thought she was mine)You're so lucky I moved out first and wasn't allowed to take anything! ;)
The tree looks great. And I agree...mine looks better in person too. Why? The garland was a great idea.
The tree looks great! Now come do mine lol
Yup..it's the sugarplum fairy. She's looking sad in her old age..but I wrap her up carefully every year when the tree comes down so she doesn't ya know..get hurt any more than she already has been.
Her pretty blue eyeshadow.. hehehe
Totally agree about the tree never looking right in pictures! But I love it! And the choo-choo train on the skirt, so cute! I don't even have a skirt.
Btw, this is Cara. Just logged on with my husband's email.
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