Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Of Contacts and Frustration

I couldn't find my contacts' case this morning. Total tragedy to a girl who's on her last pair.

I thought the bathroom blew up while Orion was getting ready for PT at the earliest possible hour. My heart was racing for quite a while waiting..just *waiting* for the babies to wake up from all of that ruckus. And then they did. They've been up squealing ever since..and did I mention the monitor was left on downstairs last night and it's right under my bed? So I heard squealing and squeaking from next to me..and under me while I was trying my hardest to ignore them in hopes they'd fall back asleep for the next couple of hours. Of course it didn't work. Why would it? It would only work if I weren't totally exhausted because that would make more sense in the land of mommies and babies (which is totally an awesome name for a book..ya about motherhood or something.).

So..up I got. I trudged to the bathroom and before turning on the lights, I stared at the wall above the toilet in confusion. Am I blind? Uhhh..there's supposed to be a shelf here. Hmmm. Maybe if I just put my hands out and feel for'll be there. No. I turn the lights on and it's sitting ON the accessories and spare make up..everywhere. Nice. So THAT'S what that sound was. I look for my contacts' case because wearing glasses while working out..doesn't work for me. I search..and I search. I dig through the little basket that's all unorganized. I look behind the toilet..I shake out the hanging towels (maybe it caught..?)..I look in the medicine cabinet..I even looked in the bathtub in case they became airborne. And Yes, I even checked the trashcan and Calix's potty. Nowhere. What. The. Eff? So I march all angry and blind-like back to my room turn on the light ready to pick up my phone and call my darling husband to ask just WHERE IN THE BLAZES DID MY CONTACTS LAND?!?! When I see them.

On my nightstand so I wouldn't have to worry about waking the babies up when I trudged blind eyed to the bathroom in the morning. Nice.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I broked your shelf.

chelsea said...

hahahahaha....that is awesome...i love that the anonymous got on here to say sorry...that's cute as hell...what a morning hun....tough day coming on I see....

Sarah said...

I hear ya, Abby! I went to put in my contacts the other day and when I opened the first side, I found a nice big rip right through the middle of the contact. No big deal, I had one pair left. I open up the first one, attempt to bring it towards my face on my left pointer finger and somehow, my right hand comes down and smacks my left hand, flipping the tiny little SEE THROUGH thing off of my finger!!! I couldn't believe what I had just done. Josiah's standing there also, brushing his teeth or something so I tell him "DON'T MOVE!" Squat down to put my face right at the floor, hoping it didn't fall in the sink and get rinsed down with the water that was running, and found it on Josiah's foot. Fortunately he had just showered. Heehee. I almost flipped though because I don't own a pair of glasses currently. I haven't for about 3 years. And I'm near blind without. I was in no mood to fork out a few hundred dollars on a new prescription and contacts. I guess now that I'm on my last pair though, I need to put that on my list of priorities!

Oops! Sorry for such a long comment!

Jenna said...

Isn't that just how it always goes?

LB said...

Hi Abby,
I know it's off topic, but just wanted you to know that 'we' all are very glad you will be making it out to AZ. I am asking everyone if there are any food do's or dont's where your family is concerned for the get together at my place. Let me know, ok?
Uncle L.

Abby said...


My only request, I that there be some kind of chicken or something along those lines for the kids..because they refuse to eat red meat. Otherwise..we're fine with whatever.