Monday, April 16, 2007

So..we went to the emergency room today. Maddox hadn't eaten anything in 12 hours..he refused to..and then was spitting up like..buckets all over me, himself, and the living room. I got a little worried..and took him in just in case. They totally checked him out..he was fine. In fact..he even took a full 4 ounces while we were there. Geeze..way to make your mother look crazy, Maddox. Thanks. Acid reflux, the doctor said. Acid reflux.

But look at how funny he looked on the bed thingy:


Anonymous said...

awww poor little guy! i'm glad he's ok. *hugsss*

Jenna said...

Better safe than sorry! It's the same way with cars, you know. They never make THE SOUND when you take them to the mechanic.

Anonymous said...

awww, he is so cute. i had a freak out with kyler and took him to the er also, they had little baby was like the cutest thing ever...i swear to you i almost stole it, it even opened up in the back and you could see his little butt!! but i had my camera so i took pics instead of stealing it!

Friglet said...

I'm glad he's okay!