Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lots of pictures from today:

His new thing is standing on stuff he knows he probably shouldn't stand on. He's hardcore like that.

He's so much cuter in person..like..you don't even know.

Jenna does the best baby voice ever! I'd be like "hahaha stop stop!" but I didn't really want her to stop because it's just that cute.


Silly boy!

I'm not a fan of this picture of myself..but Calix is totally loving the attention. Little man!

so..how does that stick taste?

awwww my Jenna

Conor! You lil crawler you! He's *so* adorable and has these fantastic blue eyes that just won't quit!

I love this picture of him! <3

Kids these days, man...they *all* have cellphones teehee

daredevil's at it again..

Jenna..taking a picture of Conor. But I think that was fairly self explanatory

Other than this morning's series of unfortunate events (an issue with my cellphone, too. They like to act like I didn't pay them a week ago..and shut off my phone and by the time I figured out what was going on.. I'd missed all of Orion's calls. That made for a super sad Abby)..and the 5..count them FIVE crappy diapers I changed today..not much went on. A wasp got in the house and landed on one of my fake flowers. I screamed..Jenna thought I'd gotten hurt. Look, yo..I haven't been stung in *years*..but I remember it not feeling good, okay? I do NOT want a friggin bee in my house!
Calix is also totally buddies with Conor. He tries to be, anyway. Sometimes he loves him a little too hard and it hurts him..but he's just full of love. He was all feeding Conor raisins today..haha..it was friggin adorable. But I've noticed over the past few days..all three of those boys? Have eachother's backs. It's like the sweetest thing to watch. They all look after one another! Maddox will cry and either Conor will crawl over to where he is to check on him..or Calix will go find his bottle and bring it to me to fill up...things of the such. I don't know..but I have a feeling Calix is going to super miss Conor when they go. Poor guy.


YogaNana said...

Too too cute!

Anonymous said...

rofl... when I saw that first pic of Calix standing on the chair, I saw the baby on the blanket and thought "damn, Maddox sure is growing up fast if he's sitting up already!" yeah yeah, I know... but hey, at least I can admit I have blonde moments lol.

Anonymous said...

lmao! well i'm glad I wasn't the only one