Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 62

I'm sick, man. So disgustingly sick. I thought maybe..just *maybe* I threw up last night because I drank too much. But nu was really less than I usually drink. But what with me so friggin sick to my stomach all day today too? I swear McDonald's wants to kill me or something. It's really the only thing I can come up with because I didn't really eat much yesterday except for that and well..last night and now today I'm like vomiting and am all sorts of icky.

I think Coretta summed it up this afternoon when she saw me outside. She said (and I swear I haven't been able to get these words out of my head all day) "you look like shit" yeah well..I certainly feel the part so I'd assume I look that way, too.

I don't really *feel* like doing anything..but what with hurricane Calix on a rampage every single day..this house would fall apart if I didn't do a little something here and there.

Ugh, I just want to like take a pillow and go move into the bathroom for the remainder of the day. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.


YogaNana said...

There's something really nasty going around this spring -- includes nausea. Perhaps it got you. Not much I can do but say I'm sorry and send some cyber Sprite and crackers.

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better dear! *hugsss*