Wednesday, December 10, 2008

19 Days!

Brotherly love at its best:

Cuddling on the couch while watching The Polar Express

Horsey! It reminds me of me and Hannah when we were kids because we *totally* did this all the time. Weee!!!


They're total opposites in every way though. Even at the breakfast table Calix will say "Maddox say yes" "no" "how about yes?" "how about no?" "how about yes?" "how about no?" how about yes?" "how about no?" and I'll just laugh because they do it EVERY morning. I love when Maddox gets irritated by Calix. Like he wants to ignore him but Calix won't let him. He'll be across the room and Calix will say "Maddox" nothing.. "Maddox!" nothing.. "Maddox!!!" "..huh?" hahaha they make me laugh so hard.

In a totally unrelated note...I love kissing balls. Wait..that came out wrong. You know those Victorian Christmas kissing balls? Or for weddings? I love them. I love them so much that after we move into the new house, I'm going to make my own and string a few from the ceiling over the kitchen island. I'm not the least bit crafty..but I want to be. I try to be. So we'll see how they turn out. I think it'd look absolutely lovely. But you know..if any of you take my idea from me and hang them in your house..we're going to have to fight.

Because I haven't found any big craft store type places here yet, I looked around online and found this huge awesome site and I have soooo many things I want to do for the new place! I wish my sisters lived nearby because I would love to have those sisterly craft type times that I've heard about. I want to be in a kitchen with mine and laugh and bake and all of that. I hate that we all live so far away from one another. Come on..can't you hear Jenna laughing while we're baking? Can't you see little happy tears in the corners of her eyes because she's laughing so hard? I can. Perhaps someday.

My new dream is to have every member of the family and their kids and spouses or whatever all together in one huge (no seriously, it would have to be a mighty big one) house for Christmas. Awww..we'd have to have like..5 trees. A little forest if you will. All of us opening up Christmas Eve jammies and reading The Night Before Christmas to all grown ups and children and awww and getting up all extra early to open presents..the older just as excited as the younger. Can you IMAGINE how long it would take to open presents?!?! Oh my gosh..and a huge feast upon feasts that evening. Christmas music always playing in the background..candles flickering. Laughing children..quarrelling siblings. Oh, that's Christmas to me. That would be the greatest thing EVER.



Jenna said...

That would be so much fun! We could see if the Vance's could leave for Christmas one year and use their house again. Maybe? :)

I love that my laughter gives you happies. You made me smile, and feel really good. Thanks, love.

YogaNana said...

I'd love that, too. You know, *if.* :o)